Speed of Light (Marauders #3.5) Read online

Page 5

  Tony had introduced her to some of his contacts at the ATF, and she had reached out to her own contacts at the FBI. They’d all seen what had happened to her and took it for what it was, so they hadn’t cut their ties with her—unofficially, at least. But then, most of those contacts had never been official.

  When the doorbell rang, it took her a few seconds to understand what it was, since she’d never heard it before.

  She quickly collected all the papers and put the folder back into her filing cabinet and locked it. It was an old, fireproof monstrosity in metal that she’d bought at a sale years earlier, when an old school closed down and they’d sold everything. It was heavy as fuck, and it had been hell getting it home. When she’d moved to Greenville, her friends had suggested that she’d leave it behind, but that wasn’t going to happen. She had every article she’d ever written in it, and the articles she’d never finished, too. It was her backup for everything, including research, and the only thing she considered absolutely safe from hacking.

  When the cabinet was locked, she picked up her weapon of choice and walked to the door and looked through the peephole.

  It was Mace.

  She had no idea how the hell he knew where she lived, but on the other hand it was a small town, so it probably wasn’t hard for someone to find out.

  She took a deep breath, blew up her cheeks a couple of times to get ride of the urge to grin like an idiot, and then she opened the door.

  “How can I help you, Mr. Mullen?”

  “You know my name,” he pointed out with a big smile, and Kathleen once again bit her cheek to not giggle.

  “It’s a small town. I’m sure you know my name, too.”

  “Still… you bothered to find out.”

  “Did you come here to see if I knew your name, Mr. Mullen?”

  “Mace. Just call me Mace. Can I come in?”

  Kathleen weighed the pros and the cons and gave him a stern look. It didn’t take a genius to figure out why he was there, so they obviously knew who she was and had sent him to check her out. And she might think he was hot, but she wasn’t just going to let him in without making a few things clear.

  “Yeah, but one strange move or if I get any weird vibes from you, I’ll break your nose, blow out your eardrums, and crush your balls faster than you can even imagine.”

  “I can imagine it being done pretty fucking fast.”

  “I’m faster than that.”

  “Impressive,” he nodded. “Wanna frisk me?”

  “Do you have a gun?”

  “Yes,” he admitted with a smile.

  “Put it on the table over there,” she said and nodded towards the side table. No matter how many butterflies she had in her stomach, she was not going to let a guy into her house with a gun still on him. It was unlikely that he’d give it to her, so putting it away was a fair compromise.

  “Sure you don’t want to frisk me? Just a little?”

  “Cute,” she said and nodded towards the table again.

  He turned his back towards her and while watching him slowly pull up the gun from the back of his jeans, she once again tried to relax her cheeks to not smile. And she only looked at his ass a little. Holding the gun by the barrel, he put it down on the table before taking a few steps from it. When she closed the door and leaned her own weapon against the wall, he started laughing.

  “That’s a fucking mace.”

  “Yeah. I used to have a baseball bat, but a friend of mine thought I should have that one instead.”

  “Are the pegs sharp?”

  “Very.” She’d pierced her own fingers a couple of times.

  “Can I look a it?” he asked.

  “Sure, because I just asked you to put away your weapon only to give you mine. That’s gonna happen. Why are you here?”

  He smiled, and after a long look at the mace, he looked at her.

  “Just earlier today, a few hours after your visit at the garage, I was chosen the new public relations manager for the Marauders. We figured you didn’t show up by accident.”

  “They picked you?”



  She had a pretty good idea why they’d picked him. He’d been hitting on her, and it had probably been clear to him that she was as interested as he was. She looked at him and once again tried to figure out why she was.

  He had a long scruffy beard in a braid, and long, equally scruffy, hair. He was tall, his arms were covered in colorful ink, and he had a really nice smile below a slightly too-big nose that looked like it had been broken at least once. What really got to her were his dark brown eyes, though. Whenever he looked at her, they were full of amusement, but she had a feeling he could give people really menacing looks when he wanted to. At the moment, they were blatantly checking her out, and she liked it—a lot.

  It could simply be that she’d gone way too long without sex, but she didn’t give a damn. She wanted him, badly, and he knew it.

  “I volunteered. I figured that since you’re not gonna get a story, I should at least make sure you got something out of it.”

  “So you think there’s something you can do for me?”

  “Hotshot, I think a proper fuck is just exactly what you need.” He took a few steps towards her. “In fact, I’m not convinced you’ve ever been properly laid before.”

  Kathleen smiled. “I don’t know what you rednecks think about us city folks, but trust me, we know how to properly fuck.”

  His smile grew even bigger, and by now he was right in front of her, and he leaned down. “Prove it.”

  There was only one reason he’d be at her house, they both knew it, and she wasn’t much for beating around the bush. So, she rose up to her toes and gave his lips a lick.

  “Dayton, that’s not even a proper kiss,” he chuckled. He put his arm around her waist. “Wanna give it another try?”

  “My name is Kathleen.”

  “Can I call you Cat?”

  “No. ”

  Kathleen put her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her mouth. At the same time, she decided it was just that it had been way too long since she’d had sex. That was all it was. She needed to scratch an itch, then he’d be out, and it wouldn’t happen again.

  When she pushed her tongue into his mouth, he gently sucked it, and she felt his beard scratching her chin and lips. His arm left her waist and grabbed her ass, and with a groan he lifted her up.

  Maybe it could happen a few more times.

  His grip on her ass hardened, and when he lifted her even higher, she wrapped her legs around him. She needed this. In general, she desperately needed a distraction, something that just for a second made her forget everything else going on in her life.

  “That’s better,” he mumbled against her lips. “Much better. Wanna try that when we’re naked?”

  “Yes. Fuck yes.”

  “I think we’ll get along, Kathleen,” Mace said. “Bedroom?”

  She pointed him in the right direction. He carried her in there and she started unbuttoning her shirt on the way. Once it was open, he halted.

  “Do you ever wear a bra?”

  “As seldom as possible,” she answered honestly. “I hate the things.”

  “Good,” he mumbled while still staring at them. “Would be a shame to hide them.”

  “Wanna keep going, or are you gonna fuck me here?”

  He looked up and smiled. “However you want it.”

  “Bed at first, but we can move around the house after that.”

  With a laugh, he started walking again, and they were soon in her bedroom. It was as sparsely furnished as the rest of her house. The only other thing besides the bed was a rocking chair standing in the corner. It had been in the house when she moved in, and she thought it was ugly, but she hadn’t gotten around to throwing it out yet. Her home had less personality than most hotel rooms, but she didn’t care. Her apartment in Washington hadn’t had much stuff, either. She’d just never felt the need
to have her personality scattered all over her apartment. In fact, she preferred not to.

  Any thoughts about anything but Mace’s mouth on hers disappeared when her back hit the bed, and his hands covered her breasts. She managed kick off her boots while still sucking on his tongue.

  “Jeans, baby,” he groaned. “Clothes. Get ‘em off.”


  She started on her jeans, and fucking hell, she wanted him. Her entire groin area was pulsating for him. She felt drunk, stoned, and high for him, and she was relieved that he seemed to feel the same way.

  “Fuck, babe. I want you,” he panted. “Tell me you have condoms.”

  “In the nightstand.”

  “Good. Don’t think I have more than two on me.”

  That was encouraging. She wanted more than twice, or rather, she wanted as many as she could get. Kathleen needed sex. Strike that, she need to be fucked. She reached into his briefs, and she couldn’t hide the pleased moan when she felt him. He was rock fucking hard, and she could just barely circle her fingers around him.

  “I want you now,” she whispered into his ear. “Right now.”

  “Off with everything, Dayton.”

  “Kathleen, my name is Kathleen.” She hated nicknames and especially when people tried to give her one.

  “Okay, Kathleen, get your fucking panties off.”

  “Yes,” she agreed. It was a good plan. She loved that plan. Best damn plan she’d heard in a long time, and she was fed up with plastic dick. She needed the real deal, and he had a lot to offer.

  He stood up and started on his jeans while she tore off her panties. “Oh, shit. You are a sight naked, Kathleen.”

  When his jeans and briefs were finally off, she couldn’t take her eyes off his dick. It was magnificent, and she was soaking wet and ready for him.

  “Oh hell,” she muttered. “I’m gonna suck that later.”

  “Good. Later, though.”

  Her eyes were fixed on his hands and dick as he rolled on the condom. She’d spread her legs before she even knew herself what she was doing. He leaned one hand on the bed next to her head, and the other was stroking the insides of her thighs.

  “How do you want this?” he asked, and there was no amusement in his eyes at that moment. They were black with lust, and Kathleen was betting hers looked just the same. “Talk to me, babe.”

  “Rough,” she answered, because she was sure he wouldn’t mind. “And hard.”

  His fingers reached her center, and a smile formed on his lips as he pressed them inside.

  “Perfect.” He pulled out his fingers and meeting her eyes he licked them. “I’m gonna fuck you now, but then I’m gonna eat you out because you taste fantastic.”

  “Yes.” She spread her legs even wider. “Please.”

  Mace grabbed her hips and flipped her over. He pulled her up on her knees and before her brain had fully caught up, she felt him line up by her opening.

  “I’ve been wanting to do this since I saw you getting out of that silly fucking car of yours.”

  “That’s less than twelve hours ago.”

  “I’m not a patient man,” he groaned as his tip entered her. “And it felt like a lot longer. Fuck! You feel so good.”

  “More,” she urged him. She wanted all of him, and she wanted it immediately.

  With a grip of her hair, he pulled her up while at the same time pushing inside of her with a deep and husky groan.

  Kathleen closed her eyes to be able to just feel him. He pulled her further up and she could hear him just next to her ear. Every time he bottomed out inside her his breath hitched, and the sounds made everything better. She liked hearing that he was as turned on as she was. His hips kept hitting her ass, and every slap when he bottomed out was accompanied by a grunt, and every withdrawal by a ragged intake of air.

  She couldn’t only feel how wet she was, she could hear it when he moved inside her.

  “Don’t stop,” she pleaded.

  He didn’t answer, but let go of her hair, and on his way down her body, he gave her nipple a pinch.

  “I’m gonna play with these tits later,” he groaned into her ear without missing a beat with his thrusting hips. “For hours.”

  “Play with my clit now.”

  He chuckled, and moved his hand further down.

  “Want it?” he whispered into her ear.

  “Yes. Please.”

  “Gonna play with my balls later?” he asked and ran his index and middle fingers just along the sides of her clit.

  Instead of answering, she smiled and reached down herself, but he slapped her hand away before going back to soaking his fingers in her wet without ever touching her bud.

  “No cheating. I’m in charge,” he said and gave her jaw a kiss before resting against the side of her face. She could feel his coarse beard against her own jaw, and his calloused fingers between her legs.

  “I’ll play with them while I blow you.”

  “Can’t fucking wait,” he panted, but instead of playing with her clit, which was what she’d hoped for, he pushed her down to her side, put his lower arm in under her knee and pulled it up against her chest. With the other hand holding her neck, he started thrusting into her with full force. That did it. She was coming, hard.


  “God damn, Hotshot.”

  With every thrust she was forced further and further up on the bed despite his firm grip of her leg and neck, and finally he managed to get her over to her back without slipping out of her, and he was on top of her, staring straight into her eyes. She held her hand against the headboard and wrapped her legs around his waist.


  Instead of answering, his hand went to her ass and he tilted her hips up to reach further inside of her. He pounded into her, and she could feel the orgasm moving in over her, and she squeezed him between her thighs.

  “Don’t stop,” she panted.

  He leaned down and kissed her, and that was it. Kathleen came while moaning into his mouth as he sucked and nibbled her lower lip. He fucked her hard all the way through her orgasm, but then he slowed down and seemed to relax on top of her.

  Resting on his elbows, he looked at her while moving in calm, shallow thrusts.

  “More?” he asked when she opened her eyes.

  “My turn,” she answered, and flipped them around before he caught up on what was happening.

  She sat up and carefully rolled her hips to see how deep he was and how she could reach her g-spot on him. He tried to sit up, too, but she grabbed his jaw and pushed him back down.

  “My turn,” she repeated.

  He stared at her, but then he smiled and reached up to hold on the headboard.

  “Give it to me.”

  While moving carefully on him, she took her time to study his tattoos. It was an array of colors covering every part of him, and looking over her shoulder, she could see that he had them down his legs, too. He had a heart on his chest, almost hidden by the light chest hair, with the name ‘Pamela’ in it, and she assumed it was some teenage love.

  Still holding on to his jaw, she leaned over him. “Want me to fuck you while fondling your balls?”

  “Hell yeah,” he answered without hesitation.

  “Hold on to the headboard, you can’t let go of it. If you let go, I’ll have to get off you to go get my handcuffs.”

  “Holy hell.”

  “You okay with this?” she asked.

  “Am I okay lying on my back while a hot woman gets off on my dick? Absolutely.”

  “Just making sure.”

  “Trust me, darling, I can take anything you got. Don’t old back.”

  She sat up again and reached behind her. He understood what she was doing and bent and spread his legs to give her better access. That way he could thrust up against her and she could reach his balls. When she found them, they were covered in her wet, and he closed his eyes with a groan when she cupped his hand around them.

od damn, Cat.”

  She squeezed them gently with a smile. “Kathleen,” she said when his eyes flew open and met hers. “I don’t like nicknames.”


  When Kathleen woke up, she felt an arm around her waist, and she smiled. She turned around and Mace’s face was mostly hidden under his own hair.

  The sex had been great. They’d both managed to come while she was riding him, but they’d had sex again, that time with him in charge. She quite often preferred to be in charge, simply since it was easier for her to come that way, but Mace knew what he was doing, and he’d been perfectly capable of making her come without her interfering. It had been nice to just be able to let go and feel, trusting that he’d get her there if she let him lead.

  Like most women, Kathleen had spent her late teens and early twenties being worried about not being enough in bed. Towards her late twenties she’d realized that if she was enjoying herself, the guy probably was, too. She’d spent her early thirties figuring out exactly what she liked, and now, in her late thirties, she’d lost most of her inhibitions and had no problem making sure she got what she needed when she was with a guy. She wasn’t selfish, she made sure he got what he wanted, too, and if he played along, she made sure it was worth his while. Mace had, as opposed to a scary amount of men, been attentive and observant enough to follow her lead even when he was in charge. He noticed what she liked without her having to tell him, and by the third time, he’d been playing her body like a fiddle. She was very impressed.

  Her immediate interest in Mace might not have been uncommon, but the extreme lust she’d felt had only happened twice before. The first time was a college professor, and the second had been a married politician. Both those time, she’d fallen down the rabbit hole her overwhelming lust had led to. It had turned out bad both times, and she doubted it would be different this time. There were no white weddings in the future with guys like Mace. On the other hand, she wasn’t much for those, either, and it most certainly wasn’t what she was looking for. She was looking for a good time, and she thought he could give her that without the fuss a professor and a married politician had brought with them.

  She reached out and stroked his hair away from his face.